Water cooler moment.


Welcome back,


The biggest threat to your progress will be your ability to handle your lonliness. Making art, making anything really takes time and usually way more of it than you are budgeting for. There's no way in hell I thought I was STILL be writing that novel I started over a decade ago but, here we are. Yes, I am in the final ( hopefully ) edit of it but still! Now I like peace and quiet. Leaving me alone in my art studio or on my writing desk is a piece of heaven for me but, we are human creatures who need to socialise.


I call it the “water cooler moment”. If you work in an office you get to speak to other people at certain breaks during the day to connect, chatter or just to see another human face. The problem with creatives is that those precious babbling ten minutes during the day are missing. That for me is usually one of the uncomfortable moments that can trip me into a spiral of doom scrolling or taking a “minute” to watch a part of a show and then BAM, three hours have gone by.


Back in the day I used to live surrounded by friends and other creatives but I've moved, friendships have gone their seperate ways and a more adult pace of life is happening around me now. Most of my friends have grown up day jobs which still leaves me rattling around the house with coffee and crayons at my disposal. The need to connect is still there. So, to combat this I've put some rules in place for myself. Mainly I make sure to take myself out for a coffee most days ( drawing in coffee shops is on my self care list ) and of course I make a point to say “Yes” when friends ask to meet up even if it will interfere with a schedule. I'd rather arrive at the finish line with a full heart than create unneccessary inner battles.


If you aren't part of a social group of artists then creative social groups, creative clubs, all of the above will be more important the deeper you dig into your creative career. If there aren't any locally then maybe this is a sign to start one. We all have different starting points and different circumstances and maybe what I've said here doesn't fully apply to you but it's a good idea to be aware of your lonely. If you don't pay attention when it arrives, and I'm afraid if you are investing in a creative career or practice it will, then it could derail or delay so much of your progress. Keep taking care of you. Keep reaching out. Most importantly, don't just create great art, create the friendships and connections that will support it and you for a lifetime.


Big love,


Ryan x

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